석준호 사진
국제무역 및 개발, 통상정책


2017, University of Kentucky, U.S., 농업경제학 박사

2010, 경희대학교, 경제학 석사

2008, 경희대학교, 경제학사/상학사


2020.09~현재: 조교수, 전북대학교 무역학과

2018.11~2020.08: 부연구위원, 한국농촌경제연구원 FTA 이행지원센터

2018.01~2018.11: 전문연구원, 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원

2013.08~2017.12: R.A, University of Kentucky, U.S.

2012.09~2013.08: 초청연구원, 한국농촌경제연구원 FTA 이행지원센터

논문및 저서

・SSCI Indexed Journal (* denotes the corresponding author)
[1] Seok, J.H. and G. Kim, 2020, “Impact of the Positive List System (PLS) on Banana Market in Korea”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy

[2] Kim, G., S. Choi, and J.H. Seok*, 2020, “Does Biomass Energy Consumption Reduce Total Energy CO2 Emissions in the U.S.?”, Journal of Policy Modeling

[3] Kim, W., J.H. Seok, and T. Mark, 2018, The Price Relationship between Organic and Non-Organic Vegetables in the U.S.: Evidence from Nielsen Scanner Data, Applied Economics, 1-15.

[4] Kim, G., J.H. Seok, and T. Mark, 2018, New Market Opportunities and Consumer Heterogeneity in the U.S. Organic Food Market, Sustainability, 10, 3166.

[5] Seok, J.H., H. Moon*, G. Kim, and M.R. Reed, 2018, Is Aging the Important Factor for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Korea? Evidence from the Relationship between Aging and Farm Technical Efficiency, Sustainability, 10, 2136.

[6] Seok, J.H., G. Kim, M.R. Reed*, and S. Kim, 2018, The impact of avian influenza on the Korean egg market: Who benefited?, Journal of Policy Modeling, 40, 151-161.

・Scopus Indexed Journal
[1] Seok, J.H.*, S. Saghaian, and M.R. Reed, 2018, The ‘Signaling Effect’ and the Impact of High Maximum Residue Limit Standards on U.S. Vegetable Exports. Economic Analysis and Policy, 59, 150-159.

・기타 해외 저널 (* denotes the corresponding author)
[1] Seok, J.H., G. Kim, and T. Mark*, 2017. The Impact of Minimum Wage on Food Away from Home Expenditure using Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 5(2), 45-57.

[2] Seok, J.H, M.R. Reed* and, S. Saghaian, 2016. The Impact of SQF Certification on US Agri-Food Exports. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 4(3), 1-16.

[3] Seok, J.H. and S. Saghaian, 2016. The Impact of Service Offshoring on Agriculture and Food Sector Productivity, Journal of Agribusiness, 34(1), 51-64.

・KCI Indexed Journal (* denotes the corresponding author)
[1] 이현근, 석준호, 김상효, 문한필, 채상현, 2020, “중국산 김치 수입과 국산 채소류 가격의 인과관계 분석”, 식품유통연구 37(1), 27-53

[2] Kim, S. and J.H. Seok*, 2018, “Tourism and Economic Growth in Korea: Focusing on the Structural Break”, Journal of International Trade & Commerce, 14(4), 177-188

[3] Seok, J.H., G. Kim, and S. Kim*, “Casual Relationship among Bioethanol Production, Corn Price, and Beef Price in the U.S.”, Environmental and Resource Economic Review (자원환경경제연구), 27(3), 521-544

・학술대회 (Conferences)
[1] GwanSeon Kim and Jun Ho Seok, Does Organic Farming improve the Nitrogen Balance in Agricultural Land?, Accepted to Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) in 2020

[2] GwanSeon Kim, Jun Ho Seok, and Aaron Shew, Long grain rice price, oil price, and international demand derive medium grain rice price in the US, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Louisville, Kentucky, 2020.

[3] Jun Ho Seok, GwanSeon Kim, Soo-Eun Kim, and Tyler Mark, The Impact of Economic Sentiment Index on the Price Relationship between Organic and Conventional Fruits in Korea, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Atlanta, Georgia, 2019

[4] Hanpil Moon, Jun Ho Seok,and Jung Won Youm, The Impact of Banana Tariff Reduction from the Economic Cooperation with ASEAN on Fruit Demand in Korea: Considering the Substitutable Fruits Basket, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Atlanta, Georgia, 2019

[5] Hanpil Moon, Jun Ho Seok, and Suhwan Lee, Who has a Price Leadership between Paprika Exporters in Korea and Importers in Japan? Evidence from Threshold Vector Error Correction Model, Western Economic Association International(WEAI), San Francisco, 2019

[6] Seok, Jun Ho, Sang-Heon Oh, Sung-won Jang, and Hanpil Moon, Influencing Factors on Farmers’ Participation Decision for New Technology Pilot Projects in South Korea: Focusing on Innovative Attitude of Farmers and Information Channels, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Washington, D.C., 2018

[7] Hanpil Moon, Jun Ho Seok, and Soo-Eun Kim, Korea-Chie Free Trade Agreement and Imported Chilean Grape Demand in Korea Considering the Substitutable Fruits Basket, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Washington, D.C., 2018

[8] Seok, Jun Ho, Gwanseon Kim, and Sayed Saghaian, The Impact of Increased Ethanol Production on Corn, Crude Oil and Beef Prices: A Threshold Vector Error Correction Model Approach, Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2018

[9] Seok, Jun Ho, Hanpil Moon, and Michael R. Reed, Population Aging and Growth of Developed Countries’ Agricultural Sector: Focusing on the Inverse Relationship between Aging and Cognitive Abilities, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Chicago, Illinois, 2017.

[10] Seok, Jun Ho, Gwanseon Kim, and Tyler Mark, The Impact of Minimum Wage on Food Away from Home Expenditure using Structural Equation Model, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Chicago, Illinois, 2017.

[11] Seok, Jun Ho, Sayed Saghaian, and Michael R. Reed, The ‘Learning Effect’ and the Impact of High Maximum Residue Limit Standards on U.S. Vegetable Exports, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Chicago, Illinois, 2017.

[12] Gwanseon Kim, Jun Ho Seok, and Tyler Mark, Exploring New Marketing Opportunities from the Nonlinear Relationship between Income and Organic Food Expenditure, Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), Chicago, Illinois, 2017.

[13] Seok, Jun Ho and Sayed Saghaian, Does Service Trade Liberalization Benefit Agriculture and Food Industry?, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), San Antonio, Texas, 2016.

[14] Seok, Jun Ho and Sayed Saghaian, The Impact of Service Offshoring on Agriculture and Food Sector Productivity using the World Input-Output Table, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), San Antonio, Texas, 2016.

[15] Seok, Jun Ho, Michael R. Reed, and Sayed Saghaian, The Impact of Safe Quality Food Certification on the U.S. Agri-Food Exports with a Focus on Product Quality, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC), Clearwater Beach, Florida, 2015.

[1] 석준호, 문한필, PLS 도입에 따른 견과종실류 및 열대과일류 수입 파급영향 분석, 한국농업경제학회 동계학술대회, 2018