- 전공
- 국제경영학, 글로벌전략론, 국제기업전략연구, 국제경영연구방법론II
- 직위(직급)
- 조교수
- 전화번호
- 063)270-3020
- 이메일
- kyun@jbnu.ac.kr
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, 경영학 박사
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, 경영학 석사
고려대학교, 경영학 석사
고려대학교, 문학사, 경영학사
조교수, 전북대학교 무역학과
박사후연구원, 전북대학교 무역학과 BK21사업팀
위촉연구원, 한국환경정책평가연구원
전문원, 경제인문사회연구회
사원, LG상사
논문및 저서
Yun, K. H., Li, J., & Hu, C.* (2024). State Dominance over the Market: Reexamining the Survival of China’s State-owned Enterprises, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41, 437-474.
Hu, C. & Yun, K. H.* (2024). Blockholder Rent Appropriation and CEO Compensation in an Emerging Economy: An Examination of Three Types of Blockholder–CEO Relationships, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Forthcoming.
Yun, K. H., Hu, C.*, & Covin, J. G. (2023). Generational Technological Change, Organizational Search, and Firm Product Innovation Performance in New Generational Markets, International Journal of Technology Management, In press.
Hu, C., Li, J., & Yun, K. H.* (2023). Re-examining Foreign Subsidiary Survival in a Transition Economy: Impact of Market Identity Overlap and Conflict, Journal of World Business, 58(3), 101432.
Yun, K. H. & Hu, C.* (2022). Revisiting the Asian Financial Crisis: Is Building Political Ties with Emerging Political Elites Beneficial during a Crisis?. Journal of Korea Trade, 26(4), 63-82.