김민호 사진


1990.9~1994.5 미국 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 졸업, 경영학 박사
   (학위논문: Dynamics of transmission channels across different financial markets)
1986.9~1989.5 미국 Baruch College of City University of New York 졸업, MBA
1979.3~1982.2 전북대학교 무역학과 졸업, 상학사

博 士 : 1990.9~1994.5  美国南伊利诺伊大学
研究生 : 1986.9~1989.5  美国纽约城市大学巴鲁学院, MBA
本 科 : 1979.3~1982.2  全北大学贸易学部本科


2020.01~현재   전북대학교 상과대학 학장, 경영대학원 원장
2020.01~현재   한국산업경제학회 회장
2018.03~현재   전북대학교 GTEP(Global Trade Expert incubating Program) 단장
2018.01~현재   한국연구재단 CRB, 경영분야
2011.11~2014.12 전북대학교 국제교류처장
2008.03~2010.02 전북대학교 경영대학원 부원장
2002.12~2003.11 미국 University of West Florida, 방문교수
1999.09~2002.09 전북대학교 본부 국제교류부장
1995.03~현재   전북대학교 무역학과 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수, 교수
1982.08~1986.07 공군, 제1전투비행단, 중위전역

1982.08~1986.07  空军将校
1995.03~    现在 全北大学贸易学部前任讲师,助教授,副教授,教授
1999.09~2002.09  全北大学本校国际交流部部长
2002.12~2003.11  美国西佛罗里达大学访问教授
2008.03~2010.02  全北大学经营学部副部长
2011.11~     现在 全北大学对外协力处处长

논문및 저서

< 연구논문 >

Han, Bangwool, and Minho Kim. "Interaction of the underdog with equality and scarcity.", Marketing Intelligence & Planning 38(2), (2020). [SSCI]

Kim, Minho, Sangno Lee, and Cheyung Kang. "The Financial Characteristics of Born Global Firms in Korea." 산업경제연구 33, no. 1 (2020): 103-119. [등재지]

Hossain, Md, Nusrat Jahan, and Minho Kim. ."A Mediation and Moderation Model of Social Support, Relationship Quality and Social Commerce Intention." Sustainability 12.23 (2020). [SSCI]

Hossain, Md Alamgir, and Minho Kim.. "Predicting Social Capital on Multidimensional Service Quality: A Facebook Perspective." Asian Journal of Business Research 10.3 (2020). [SCOPUS]

Hossain, Md Alamgir, and Minho Kim. "A comprehensive study on social commerce in social networking sites." SAGE Open 10, no. 2 (2020). [SSCI]

Han, Bangwool, and Minho Kim. "Hofstede’s Collectivistic Values and Sustainable Growth of Online Group Buying", Sustainability, 11(4), (2019). [SSCI]

Han, Bangwool, and Minho Kim. "Internationalization of Brand Biography: Firm Characteristics as Moderators,", Journal of Korea Trade, 23(3), (2019). [SSCI]

Kim, Minho, Bangwool Han, and Jennifer M. Kim. ""International Tourism and Economic Growth: A Panel Causality Analysis of the Three Northeast Asian Countries of China, Japan, and Korea," Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 8(1), 2019 [SCOPUS]

Can “Liking” Behavior Lead to Usage Intention on Facebook? Uses and Gratification Theory Perspective, Sustainability 11(4), 2019 [SSCI]

Does Multidimensional Service Quality Generate Sustainable Use Intention for Facebook?, Sustainability 10(7), 2018 [SSCI]

Exploring consumer attitudes and purchasing intentions of cross-border online shopping in Korea, Journal of Korea Trade 22(2), 2018 [SSCI]

Origins of Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty toward Telecommunication Service: An Emerging Market
Perspective, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business 9(2), 2018 [등재지]

The Determinants of Survival of Initial Public Offerings, 한국창업학회지 12(5), 2017 [등재지]

A Study on the Consumer’s Attitude toward Cross-Border Online Shopping, 무역통상학회지 17(3), 2017 [등재지]

한국 기업의 소유구조와 국제 다각화,국제회계연구 73, 2017 [등재지]

An Exploratory Study of Subscribers’ Attitude toward Mobile Advertising: Evidence from Bangladesh, Asia-Pacific Journal of
Business & Commerce 9(2) 2017 [등재후보지]

기업의 공정무역행위가 소비자들의 제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향, 무역학회지 41(5), 2016 [등재지]

Value Relevance of Multinationality: Evidence from Korean Firms, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 26(2), 2015 [SSCI]

Multinationality and Corporate Value of the Korean Firms: A Quantile Regression Analysis, Journal of International Trade & Commerce 10(2), 2014 [등재지]

Valuation Effect of Multinationality in the Korean Manufacturing Firms, 경영교육연구 28(2), 2013 [등재지]

Stakeholder Preferences on Corporate Social Responsibilities Activities: Evidence from the Private Banking Sector in
Bangladesh, 한국산업경제저널 4(3), 2012 [기타]

수출계약의 특성 변수와 기업가치의 관계, 국제경영리뷰 16(3), 2012 [등재지]

The Early Internationalization Effects of the Korean High-tech Born Globals, 한국산업경제저널 3(1), 2011 [기타]

우리나라 기업의 다국적성에 따른 기업가치의 변화에 관한 연구, 무역학회지, 36(3), 2011 [등재지]

Performance Effects of Overseas Expansion by Korean SMEs, 무역통상학회지, 10 (4), 2010 [등재지]

본글로벌 기업의 해외활동 결정요인에 관한 연구, 한국산업경제저널, 2 (1), 2010 [기타]

정보시스템 이용공시가 기업의 성과에 미치는 영향,전자상거래학회지, 11 (2), 2010 [등재후보지]

한국 본글로벌 기업의 국제화 속도와 성과결정 요인에 관한 연구, 무역학회지33 (3), 2009 [등재지]

벤처기업의 해외법인설립과 기업가치, 무역학회지, 33 (5), 2008 [등재지]

Predicting survival prospect of corporate restructuring in Korea, Applied Economics Letters 15 (15), 2008 [SSIC]

KOSPI 200 옵션의 거래량, 미결제약정수량, 그리고 현물 주식시장의 변동성, 금융연구 18(1), 2004 [등재지]

Stock market volatility and trading activities in the KOSPI 200 derivatives markets, Applied Economics Letters, 11, 2004 [SSCI]

KOSPI 200 선물의 거래활동과 현물 주식시장의 변동성, 재무관리연구 20(2), 2003 [등재지]

미국통화선물의 거래활동과 원/달러 환율의 변동성, 무역학회지 28(4), 2003 [등재지]

Implied volatility dynamics in the foreign exchange markets, Journal of International Money and Finance 22, 2003 [SSCI]

Price transmission dynamics between ADRs and their underlying foreign securities, Journal of Banking & Finance 24, 2000

Trading Costs and Price Discovery across Stock Index Futures and Cash Markets, Journal of Futures Markets19(4), 1999 [SSCI]

A Note on the Determinants of the Outcomes of Bankruptcy Petitions: Evidence from Korea, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 26(7), 1999 [SSCI]